Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Here Is A Great Feedback, Grading and Rubric Making Tool for Teachers - Kang Khoe

October 27, 2016
JoeZ Express is an excellent feedback and grading tool integrated with Google Classroom and Google Drive. It s available as both an add-on that you can install and use on your Google Docs (best for independent teachers) and also as an app called JoeZoo (best for schools and districts). The app has, besides all of the add-on tools and features,  more exclusive features that include student monkey checker, teacher monkey checker and rubric sharing.

JoeZoo Express allows teachers to give students better and direct feedback. With the new update, feedback is now visual and colour coded to help students with recall , and to make things even easier for teachers, JooZoo provides over 90 most commonly used comments. Using the assess mode, teachers can easily grade students docs. They can add comments, messages and grades. Another interesting feature from JooZoo is the interactive rubric builder. It allows teachers  to  create  a wide variety of rubrics and share them with others (watch the video in the playlist below to see how to create a rubric).

Monkey checker is another huge time saving tool from JooZoo (available for the app users). Monkey checker is a great language processing engine and automated feedback tool. With a single click, Monkey checker can instantly process a whole essay, highlight writing errors and colour code them in such a way that they are matched with each of the 91 preloaded comments that clarify the error.

Watch the playlist below to learn more about how to use JooZoo.

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