Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

3 Handy Chrome Extensions to Turn Web Pages to PDFs - Kang Khoe

Below are three of my favourite Chrome extensions which you can use to convert web pages to PDF documents. I particularly use these extensions to convert long articles ( for instance articles from Scientific magazine) into PDFs which I would usually download into my computer. In this way I have a PDF format of the article which I can access and read without the need for Internet connection.

1- Save As PDF

This extension lets you easily save web pages to pdf. It uses https://pdfcrowd.com html to pdf online service. The extension works right out of the box using the default settings. If you want to customize the pdf you can sign up for a paid account at Pdfcrowd. The available options include page size, page orientation, margins, password protection, initial view, etc.

2- FromDocToPDF

FromDocToPDF is an extension that allows you to :
  • Quickly convert between many file formats for FREE. 
  • FREE conversions to .DOC, .TIFF, .JPG files and more! 
  •  Easily translate into multiple languages for FREE.
3- Web2PDF

Webto PDF Converter is a good Chrome extension that allows you to easily turn any webpage into a a downloadable PDF document.

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